Saturday, 30 July 2011

Optical Illusion Part 1

Redakan ketegangan tengahari anda dengan puzzlers below :

With colored backdrops, these two hearts appear to be the same hue.  
But wait for the image to change. 
When the color background is taken away, does it change how the hearts look? 

Ben Ashaari Dan Blogger : Best Pictures

This is the best picture for me. A pictures tells a thousand word.
Wana pernah terbaca satu quotes.

 "Pakailah kasut yang baik. 
Kasut yang baik dapat membawa kita ke tempat yang baik".

Dalam satu drama pun ada sebut pasal quotes ni. Wana tak pasti la kesahihan kata-kata tu. Tapi 'baik' kat situ membawa maksud 'selesa' bagi Wana. 

Mulakan langkah pertama dengan selesa dan cemerlang. The beginning is the most important part of any work, especially in the case of a young and tender thing; for that is the time at which the character is being formed and the desired impression more readily taken

The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult.

Cheers! ;)

Doa Hendak Tidur & Doa Bangun Tidur

Doa yang WAJIB Wana baca sebelum dan selepas bangun dari tidur. 
Wana nak share with you all.
Credit to : ISLAM2U
Pic Courtesy : Google

Doa Ketika Hendak Tidur

Ertinya :
"Ya Allah. Dengan namaMu hamba hidup, dan dengan namaMu hamba mati".

(Riwayat Muslim)


Doa Ketika Bangun Tidur

Ertinya :

"Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah menghidupkan kita sesudah mematikan, dan kehadapanNya kita akan kembali".
(Riwayat Muslim) 

Friday, 29 July 2011

Etika Berpakaian Wanita Islam

Pic Courtesy : Google

Just wanna share this info with you :)

What You Want and What You Need

This is not right!! This is not what i want in my life!!

Have you ever say that?

My Dear, 
Allah does not give you what you want. But Allah will give you what you need.

Allah dont love me, 
thats why Allah dont give me what i want!!!

No dear. Allah loves you. Allah loves you thats why He gave you a difficulties instead of easier way. He gave you sorrow instead of happiness. He gave you poverty instead of luxury. Allah will never give what we want but He gave us what we need. Because what we want will not help us in life. But the needs will help us most in life. 

I give an example : EXAM

You want to score 100% marks in examination paper. But when the result are issued, you only score 80% mark. Below than what you are expected. Allah will not gave you 100% but He gave you 80% only. 


Because if you get what you want (100%), you will be satisfied and never ever learn how to got that 100% marks. But if you just got 80% (not like what you want), you will thinks and find a reason why you cant score. You will learn how and what to do to get a better mark. Then you will try again and again until finally you got it. 

Thats it. Allah gave us something that we can adapt in the future lifetime. Allah gave us something that is better than what we want. He gave us some useful things that we can always use in a lifetime. Something valuable. :)

Till then people.
Nite =)

Fesyen Pelik Versi Malaysia

Siti Nurhaliza

Didie Alias

Siti Sarah

Fesyen Tudung Yuna Yang Pelik

Wanita berkepala botak

What say you?

Thursday, 28 July 2011

You're Champion Man!

Game is just a game.

The spirit, the will to win and the will to excel are the things that endure.
These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur.

You don't have to win it, just don't lose it.

Cheers ;)

Harimau vs Singa


Harimau vs Singa

Harimau Malaya (Panthera tigris malayensis atau Panthera tigris jacksoni) atau dikenali sebagai Harimau Belang merujuk kepada subspesies harimau yang hanya didapati di Semenanjung Malaysia. Harimau ini disahkan sebagai sub-spesies berasingan dari sub-spesies Harimau Indochina (Panthera tigris corbetti) melalui ujian genetik dan filogenik pada tahun 2004. Dianggarkan terdapat 490-510 ekor harimau ini yang hidup liar.

Harimau Malaya dan Bola Sepak Malaysia
Pasukan bola sepak Malaysia telah menggunakan 'Harimau Malaya' sebagai maskot dan juga gelaran kepada pasukan itu. Jersi utama pasukan bola sepak Malaysia juga diadaptasi daripada corak belang yang terdapat pada Harimau Malaya.

Pic Courtesy : Google
Info : Mr. Wiki

Good Luck to both team.


Matlamat utama berbelog. Informasi, meluaskan pergaulan, kepuasan diri atau keuntungan?

Tiada Alasan Untuk Menzalimi Makhluk Allah

There is no word can describe how cruel this girl! My heart goes out to the cats in that incident. Seriously i cant even saw the pictures. I CANT!

This is the pictures of stupid cruel person. Pic courtesy METRO ONLINE

Padah menzalimi tiga kucing dengan memukul menggunakan payung, menendang serta menyakiti haiwan malang itu Februari lalu, seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun didenda RM400 oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini, semalam.
Chow Xiao Wei dijatuhkan hukuman selepas mengaku bersalah di hadapan Majistret Nik Mohd Fadli Nik Azlan. Nik Mohd Fadli juga memerintahkannya dipenjara tujuh hari jika gagal membayar denda itu. Bagaimanapun, Chow menjelaskan dendanya.

Mengikut tuduhan pertama, dia didakwa secara zalim menyakiti dua kucing antara jam 4.25 petang hingga 5 petang pada 19 Februari lalu di depan sebuah gerai di Pasar Seri Kembangan di sini.

Bagi kesalahan itu, tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 44(1)(a) Akta Binatang 1953 (Akta 647) dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 44(1) akta sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman denda maksimum RM200 atau enam bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya, jika disabit kesalahan.

Chow juga didakwa melakukan perbuatan tidak wajar menyebabkan kesakitan serta penderitaan seekor kucing pada masa, tarikh dan tempat sama.

Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 44(1)(d) Akta Binatang 1953 (Akta 647) dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 44(1) akta sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman denda maksimum RM200 atau enam bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya, jika disabit kesalahan.

Pendakwaan dilakukan pegawai pendakwa Jabatan Veterinar, Jamadi Badri, manakala Chow tidak diwakili peguam bela. Penganiayaan Chow terhadap tiga kucing itu sebelum ini tersebar luas di laman sosial, facebook dan blog selepas dimuat naik ke Internet hasil rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di lokasi kejadian.

Rakaman lima minit itu menimbulkan kemarahan banyak pihak, khususnya pencinta haiwan sehingga mendorong mereka menggerakkan usaha ‘mencari seorang pembunuh kucing’.

Rakaman video itu menunjukkan perbuatan tertuduh yang melakukan penyeksaan terhadap tiga kucing termasuk melibas dengan payung, menolak ke longkang, malah memijak hingga menyebabkan seekor kucing mati.

Selepas pelbagai usaha dijalankan, Chow yang dikenal pasti melakukan perbuatan itu akhirnya dikesan di facebook melalui pakaiannya dalam video yang disebarkan.

Chow yang menyedari identiti dirinya terbongkar meminta maaf secara terbuka dengan memaklumkan dia sedang menjalani rawatan psikologi kerana tekanan yang dikatakan dihadapinya akibat perceraian ibu bapanya.

Lets take a look at this statement :

Chow yang menyedari identiti dirinya terbongkar meminta maaf secara terbuka dengan memaklumkan dia sedang menjalani rawatan psikologi kerana tekanan yang dikatakan dihadapinya akibat perceraian ibu bapanya.

I cant seriously take the excuses. Its ridiculous and nonsense! Your psychological treatment and psychological pressure is not an excuses for abusing!

Semoga dengan apa yang berlaku, memberi pengajaran kepada yang lain. Tekanan atau masalah yang dihadapi adalah untuk diatasi, bukan dengan cara melepaskan stress pada makhluk Allah yang lemah. Wallahualam.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Mr. Ben Ashaari Following Me! :)

Thax to Mr. Ben Ashaari for following my blog.
As a newbie, this is something really encouraging me.
Yes i m blogging for fun only, but i really appreciated that!

Cheers! ;)

Funny Picture - Naked Baby

Pic Courtesy : Google

Cute baby, Nice conversation.
Cakap pun pelat lagi, ada hati nak mengorat.

Cheers! ;)))

Cheese Cake

Pic Courtesy : Google

Cheese cake.

Can i have some ?

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Karipap aka Curry Puff

Peace Be Upon You Guys! Right now, im starving with this. Oh My God! How could i find it in this middle of the nite. But, i really want it.

Pic Courtesy : Google

Oh My! I cant stand it. I want it now. =.=

Mode : Meleleh air liur

Can anybody bring me this? Sigh

Human Luck Chicken Luck

"Tuah ayam nampak kat kaki, Tuah manusia siapa yang tahu"

We're human not a chicken. So our luck cannot be predicted. Really can not.

We never know what will happen to us. Kita tak akan pernah tahu apa yang bakal terjadi dan akan terjadi dalam kehidupan kita. Nasib kita, baik atau buruk. Only Allah knows well.

Jangan sesekali kita memandang rendah kepada seseorang yang mungkin kehidupannya tidak begitu bernasib baik. Sekarang mungkin nasibnya belum ada, tetapi esok dan lusa masih ada. Siapa tahu nasibnya esok, lusa dan hari seterusnya. Mungkin lebih baik daripada kita. Kuasa Allah, tiada siapa dapat menidakkan.

Hari-hari yang dilalui tidak semestinya sentiasa disinari sinaran matahari yang membahang. Kadangkala hujan pun cemburu berusaha mencelah untuk mengintai bumi dan sekaligus menyejukkan bumi.

Cheers! xD

Can I Be That Character?

Peace Be Upon You Guys! I know the facts that majority of us are addicted into a dramas or movies. No matter its a Mexico dramas, Korean dramas, Japanese dramas, American dramas, Indonesia dramas and also Malay dramas. As long as its called a drama or movie. Sometimes they can stand to stuck in front of television MAX247 24/7!

Everyday we watch many dramas and movies. Wheter you are watching at the cinema, television, or even downloading and watching online, no matter what kind of method that you use, as long as its can be categorized as watching dramas.

Well, there is so many story that i had watching. The sadness, the heppiness, the anger, the disapointed side, the bad feeling and also the great feelings. But the story that really catch the heart is about the happines side. How a girl meet a charming boy by coincidence then finally they have declared as a couple. Or the situation that a boy meet his dream girl when he go on vacation. That so sweet!

I always dreaming that i can be one of the character of the dramas. Whenever i m watching a dramas with happy ending, i always imagine myself as part of them. I wish i could be that lucky couple. I really want to be them. Other than that, i wish i can meet people as fun as the characters in the dramas i m watching. I really wish for that!

But, at one side i realize. It is all just a story that had been created by human-beings. The script are created by the script writer and direct by the director. Its just a story that never can happen to me. Because its just a fantasy story that happen in life. In reality, i know it will never happen to me. Thats all! Whateva it is, i cant even be the character that i want to be.

Stop daydreaming can?

Cheers! ;)

Monday, 25 July 2011

Mackerel Fish

Peace Be Upon You Guys! Do you guys know what is mackerel? Sorry guys, i've been a little paranoid after watching 'Mackerel Run' dramas online.. Oh My God! Can i called it as paranoid? =.=

This is a mackerel as shown by Mr. Google.

Its mackerel again! Well, i know you guys are spotted at the girl than my mackerel. ;P

Mr. Wiki says that, 

Mackerel is a common name applied to a number of different species of fish, mostly, but not exclusively, from the family Scombridae. They may be found in all tropical and temperate seas. Most live offshore in the oceanic environment but a few, like the Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus), enter bays and can be caught near bridges and piers. Common features of mackerel are a slim, cylindrical shape (as opposed to the tunas which are deeper bodied) and numerous finlets on the dorsal and ventral sides behind the dorsal and anal fins. The scales are extremely small, if present. A female mackerel lays about one million eggs at a time.

The google translator have told me that mackerel means 'ikan kembung' but the dramas translate the word mackerel as 'ikan tenggiri'. 

Can anyone give me the exacly meaning of mackerel? Cause im interested with mackerel fish rather than tuna. Dramas again. =.=

All pictures are credited to Google.

Till then people.
Cheers! ;)

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Peace Be Upon You Guys! Wana seringkali tertanya-tanya apa itu dry-cleaning. Memang biasa dengar dry cleaning, tapi Wana tak berapa faham macamana proses dry-cleaning. Yang Wana tau, basuhan biasa pakai washing machine je kat rumah yang juga dipanggil cucian basah atau wet-cleaning.

Dry cleaning (or dry-cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent rather than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), abbreviated "perc" in the industry and "dry-cleaning fluid" by the public. It is often used instead of hand washing delicate fabrics, which can be excessively laborious.

Thanks to Mr. Wiki again for the useful info. Apa yang Wana tau adalah, dry-cleaning ini biasanya dikhususkan kepada pakaian daripada fabrik lembut dan sensitif. Contoh macam dekat bawah ni.

Cucian basah biasanya menggunakan sabun pembersih, air dan pakaian mungkin akan diwapkan. 

Cucian kering, sabun pembersih dan air dicampurkan pada pelarut atau solvent bagi membantu menghilangkan kotoran.

Untuk detail, Wana suggest you guys baca dekat INFO ini.

All pictures, credit to Google.

Till then people.
Cheers. =)

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